what is a face but the place that meaning is revealed in all its oddity?
We look on each others face- and simply know there is ore and flesh and blood.
we look on them and effortlessly read them- see ideas cross minds, and look at hidden thoughts
The face creates then the patchwork in which it infer something more than matter- in which in another we see their minds.
It creates then the dynamo for meaning.
That is the point the fleshy field that only makes sense- that only is if their is a meaning in the world
what is more is creates two of the mainstays for meaning.
One the one hand meaning is never really exact. We are to sure. there might be something else also happening - or a lie or a stage acting. meaning is not then ever really sacrosanct- ti does not work like that. Meaning is reveling hidden things and yet the hidding might be other than one thought.
On the other hand reading a face carries us as ourselves off in strange ways of our own. we over read faces, or make judgments about the beauty or otherwise of the face- ti becomes then something in its own right- a move that an crowd our own judgement, as it endlessly confuses asethetic and ethical judgement.
more than these two points it is clear that the face provides the basic tool kit for locating meaning.
A read a face is then to look for certain key indicators, such as eyes or mouth.
And yet at the same time these indicators are draw out and across a surface or place- there effect is then limited- seen in relation to other elements on the same plane.
meaning is also in a strange place- pitched between a you and a me. It is all about the world- the world means, and yet we also expect (or even demand) to see in the face of others reflection of our own actions and thoughts. We and they are together then in the face -
more are faces fixed in time - on the contrary they shift and alter- albeit slowly: a history is written on a face - which we can to read or so we might assume. A face is then never merely near and now - as those eyes have looked out on.
a face is also singular in some if not all of its mannerism We have then customs certainly, things that we always see, in all or most faces, but we have also little loops in beings, moment of cause and effect unique to each individual, that we slowly learn.
the face becomes then the giver of the real- or the extra- of meaning itself - a model which endlessly refracts into this world.
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