Monday, November 22, 2010

Meaning as switch ride

It i s one of the power houses of meaning - one we surely do all the time. the switch ride.
One has then one series of events- say he throwing of a coin or the drawing of cards - or an attack on a street.
one has a seconds series a man falls, a man runs - or a stranger was seen or a relative dies or a......
and the question always is are these linked in anyway?
They occur in the ind around the same time (in differing forms) - so do they occur in the world as well in looped up form. Are then always linked? Or just this once. What meta-sequence comprehends the pair of them- and is it the only possible one? Are there are such series- other acts of comprehension possible?
to here two series -to hold then in the mind and watch the sparks of consciousness fly - is to know there is meaning or sort in the world; Or better it is to feel the world as emergent meaning. Each spark - each possible loop open out on another world - one where they link, one were they do not one where they do but indirectly one where....
The joy of the game is of course if the series are long enough, then links will open up by necessity in the mind. There simply will be connection if enough things are considered (or other series are added). Or perhaps there will be connection simply because one has thought on the series long enough. the truth is really generated out there. It comes into an actual reality if only you look for it....
Our minds are then necessary full both of series and the loop we draw between them - loops that resolve themselves into meta-series, that then have their own independent lives- their own history of conjunction and breeding.
The mind is then full of traps for meaning. all the more so as we inhabit the series we forge - and the forging of series is the delight of the mind. What is more the more the series is our creation, the more we often delight in it. Error has all the most enjoyable series/fantasies and we know it. Our reality s then caught up with series and the question mark that hangs over whether they are true or it. We attract dodgy series- half true ones, that in making true in ourselves in being the truth of perhaps, we feel alive. our life- our power and our ability to half-error and half truth are no independent concerns. And there is no wonder here- for in live the half lie- we give ourselves freedom. that is we exist in more series that perhaps truth would allow- and can jump between these series, these world. One is then in living the half lie- actually allowing more into life. That is one is making ones very error, and what is says and does not say productive and powerful - or at least it gives us a chance to breadth- and make a choice a choice we of course refer to simply as freedom.
Freedom is the in given in the communication of series of memories- the feeling that we could do something else- that we could resolve the series this way or that. It is seen in the myriads of fire between the series, and the world the one up on
truth evolves. It exists then in possibility that there are always other worlds - no matter whether those worlds are to be shared or mine alone.
However at this point reason demands one tell series apart. The connectivity is true come what may. series spark. but there are clearly differing kinds of series and differing ways that spark might be shared. There are then series hat connect at each terms to something experiences, and whose links (as series) are likewise founded in theory and external truth or some sort or other. Such series are then linked together through forces at all point other than simply my own (at least they are thought hat are true in the fact other can understand them) and the loops I make must likewise be shared - a sharing that then (hopefully gives one power to look back at the initial series and rewrite them in the light of the series that their loops themselves creates. Knowledge then actually is progressive, and reworking itself allows one not merely to be free in the sparks between series, but also in their resolution ( a resolution that creates new series elsewhere, and so opens always out onto new freedoms). That is certain forms of thought actually in their resolution open out onto new series, new freedoms newsparks. Other do not.
All the more so when what is shared is the very quest itself for connections. we might then share the desire for freedom, and look to series to be free within (and imagine a world accordingly). nor would this move be utterly wrong as long as others were caught up in the thought- for we we all share the spark, however the fictious the series are, then the world does of course change or at least our position changes in the delusion.
The truth beyond the freedom i want for myself might then need to be share be- but the mere sharing....
does not make it truth.
The reading of series - and the quest for causes and effects- comes the the driving force for meaning of things- be they gods men or quarks- the method remains the same. Find some series ,and then get implicating.

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