Saturday, November 27, 2010

meaning as the gamblers child

To mean is to have a wager made somewhere, by someone - a strange wager- for it is one made in the name of meaning - and yet not in its interest.
The mere fact that there is meaning in the world- means that the world itself is changed. It is warped in the weft of meaning: The meaning that is there - giving it a framework, meaning something ought to follow something.
Meaning is then not only upstream of perception - but also it follow that because of tis the world, the perceived world ought to dance to what meaning say as to what it thinks: from which it follows, that one might very well guess these extra elements, these connections. one might be able to predict where perceptions lead. The downstream of me then becomes transformed- as within that downstream, with its locus one gets predict meanings. and yet this is complex - meaning would say- for what it means if never that simple.
In one way there is a sense where perhaps the world will conform to meaning; The language is precise enough, and the play honest enough - meaning will be a lead - it will open out into the future.
and yet everything in meaning reason needs to be alright for this future cast to work. More than that meaning will need to be being pitched at the right place. it will need to be describing the world itself, and not merely emotions (which have their own meaning - there own rhythm) -
It is very easy then to be mistaken in meaning - or better not to know exactly where and how the meanings truth ought to be applied to the world- exactly where and how it should begin to organize that world.
Meaning then always feels like it opens on other paths- always the futures in - and yet the path is never simple. It is never clear exactly which future is on the way which future is here and now.
And so often the only way to know is to try it - is to wager.
Meaning is constantly then both warped- the glamour it lends to reality borrowed for other purposes, and the result then gambles away: the fact that meaning is,multiplies then the chance that error also is. It makes error real and present - in the wrong gamble, in the too easy assumptions that there is an answer, that there is meaning in the world.
Meaning then creates necessarily not only the patchwork of errors but also half meanings- bits that were right in an idea and bit that were wrong, and all the half measures and ill digested fanatasies that criss cross these facts. The world is not merely right and wrong - not merely about wrong - it is also pock marked with other element mythic half truth, and allegories where more than one truth is caught in the same meaning. Meaning is manifold- it loops many flows together- and allows on to jump, to make make predictions between differing flows.
the point then being that these different flows caught together in the meaning for it all, become then as one in the prediction game. There conjunction and the dual world it gives becomes the fabric for the meaning -an for the wager: The movements of the one flow are then mistaken for the movements it the other or at least become incompossible with it. One moves then effortless thereofore into a supposed future; The movers here lead there - to that is what meaning says.
meaning becomes endless allegory as movements now become infused with what is to come - in an open end gamble: for exactly whether this movement is real or even possible only becomes true, only gains its truth as it is supposed.
The Gamblers child is then an unhappy one; The totem for luck, the crystal that demands the wager, ad so the cipher though which all goes so very wrong.

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