Meaning is of course always also about events - the great events of history from which lessons are to be learned or at least a world change. What is more more our brains appear very humble in front of such vents- humble and bowed - and with some reason. we know that such events serve as the chits on which our facts are communally re-thrown. That is the moments which run between all individuals, which we all agree that happened, and that changes stuff - as change we must all be part of. a change which differs and gathers power in history.
such changes are then bound to events whose power to matter is a product of their power to be unique, to resonate across many different individuals, and to be at odds this convention. Of these the last is the one that really matter most. we all know that events have a right we do not have- the right to change our assumption to corrode paradigm, to make us thinks afresh. in a world of boring facts be they economic or chemical realities, events are the moment freedom shines through- the moment that things are not what it seems, our ever modern transubstaniation. A transubstantial that has it power in not following the rules as such- that is in being unique in making us thinks afresh - and ponder otherwise. to be unique is then to defy reason and its laws, and to have already set of on this path to the singular- to that which is shared in memory and is imagination if not in fact.
The trouble of course then is that their is absolutely no imperative here and perhaps to ability for these events to be true. They do not work by the staid course of true or not- their power lesson us learning lessons that never need be simple or real. Events are then are at every point compound affairs. From which it follows that events are bound by rules of legend and not reality. They grow in power as their are told and as individuals half believe them or act as if they believe them, or let their faith change their nature - knowing it is never the simple or plain truth.
Well know stores and ancedotes seep across society: A move which is all very well (if often rather irritating and potentially tricky- all the stories about immigration are just that part fantasy). The trouble comes then when these legends are mistake for actuality. The monsters of tales and the singular events are then set up as the rival to science (in endless cod sciences) and becomes the only 'acceptable' politics of it day, In this move of course Newspapers - which by logic event in the vat of events (real an imagined) have a very great role. their commericial future is totally bound up in the creation an maintainence of certain types of events- events they propulgate and control. Events hat in event become TradeMarkeded - making sound commericial sense but no political sense- and yet which the logic of the trademarking (and its assertion of truth) demands ought to be TRUE - meaning that some kind of politics needs to develope around them.
The trouble then with the british media is not it arrant bias and political cynicism so much as trademarking and then marketing one particular kind of event at the expense of so many others - one that has no link to truth or to the world beyond the sales base of the media organization.
From which last fact one last point follows - events are (and perhaos always were as well) the great totem or badge of a people. That is nation communities, families are defined by their events, real or imagined. The events are what gives then their unity, that which makes and allows them to be different - and without such defining evens communities and orginization flounder and fail around; They need then to make sense of themselves. Events then matter they define societies both interally and externally. A communities which believes in this events and follows on is simply from another community with other events as its standard. Events then really matter a political and so nation futures are created and fated by them. It really matters then when those events slip into nonsense or the domain of this or that media organization.....
The singular is then resonant with world it gets caught up in, with the myriad different takes it creates across communities and through time - as it powers away to create ever new and developing meanings.
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