It is of course on of the deep bas lines for colloquial meaning.If it is natural -then its meaning is found - for the beast within needs no second take, no other explaination: It Is natural and that is done. Nature comes the base line of what is simply, like death their. hat cannot be negociated or thought any more. It is one of the things of life. something of our bodies that we cannot do anything about at all, so we had better get used to.
Find the bedrock in nature and all other arguments look contrived and vapid. Society bows before its inner nature - and Mankind looks to it for explaination of what he is. That is as mankind carries into the understanding of his own nature the perceptions of material process, and methods that typify reality. nothing wrong with that on a scientific level of course - this is the very stuff of proper science. the problems comes rather when any too simple series of assumptions are made about the heinously complex process that intermesh biology, personality,personal history and society together, such that we start to look for simple rules and leave it at that. The trouble of course here being that there is fro the side of society enormous pressure for such simple rules to exist.
A pressure that is both positive and negative; we want thing to applaud but also to ban. We want our science to produce neat little ethical dilemmas to think about and create new laws for. we do not want a mess where we stop being certain w here we begin and the world ends, and we really do not want the impossible ethical issues that arise when that mess itself is then taken up and becomes a feature for society.
We want science then to augment our lives, and start to resent and worry when it actually challenges them, and forces us to think afresh. And here a further complexity sinks in. according to the rules of the game, nature ought to prove the bedrock for us- that is what we want to find, the moment We are conjured from mere meat. Except of course as often as not science finds no such point. There are no simple beginnings like that, and few simple endings. We are a process that gradually emerge from Genes and Gristle, and populate in the names of society, being a single brain(if double hemisphere) and a personal history, a piece of matter. there is nothing simple in the process. there is nothing simple then for biology to find. Or will open wonderful doors in all likelihood and yet doors that lead to complexity undreamt of and realties that are profoundly odd and uncomfortable.
Nature stats offering something nice and simple- the simple super structure of meaning, and then explodes into the utter complexity of our being, a complexity which seems so much more difficult and problematic when written in biology rathe rhan society and so ineffiable, and 'natural'. Indeed they make the entire picture all the more complex. for the biolgical rules of cause and effect - that is the idea that drugs might effect what had only been emotions or experience before seep into the picture and make everything seem differently possible we might heal ourselves in the chemical or the emotive way- and given alchol and adrelain does it really matter? Possibly.
At which point nature slips it meaning, ti frees itself from bilgy as such, and become the cod biology of nature itself in its entirety. a nature free from having to find biological causes for, one that can be appealed to by our romantic souls. A nature free then from messy reality, and available for us to project whatever hopes and desires we want to upon and through. Nature then as antedote to the very society that created it and our idea of it, and other than the science it surely draws upon. A whology not of the body, but the mind and its feelings for the world, attribute to an infinite system (or something other).
Nature becomes then the double secrete- that in our bodies engraved which once found is ineffiable - or that engraved in the infinite face of the universe that is ever changing ever the same. Both realities reflect the 'real world' of our minds as it looks for allies for itself in other places, reasons for its assumptinos in the beyond - and so form bedrock or point we turn our spade in thinking.
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