Orthodoxy- is one o the point society meets facts - a point where interpretation floats over an assemblage of one of truth or repeatable facts, and defines their relation. the fact that there are always many point between two truths is the suppressed or mitigated by a collective belief. There might be other ways to do this to think this but - WE agree (at least at the moment) on this one - on this fact. as such as way to at once allow one path one loop between points, and as a way of incarnating the effect of mass thought, the orthodoxy is rather wonderful. Belief is stated, seen, known to be social and indeed dependent on facts and argument. Belief becomes conitigent as paradigms set its parameters.
Fine - that is the aim of academa, where the very adherence to an orthodoxy creates also the possibility for doubt - and the orthodoxy made to hung on fact and truth.
But of course there is nothing absolute here. There is no real reason why the social element the BEEIF element of he orthodoxy cannot actually trimuph here. Then the very provision nature of facts known and paths taken become a source of angst. Certain truths must be known and taught so that we have a nation at all - be they in maths or history. Nationhood demands that its orthodoxy is real and vital - or a certain religion feels so much stronger if it can proclaim itself to the the one true faith.
The trouble of course that the interpretation of the facts and he community rise and fall together. They are bound together by the orthodoxy their binding create. If belief is strong so is the community, but if the belief falters, the truth' evaporates and for the majority of folk is barely even the memory of what was, while here and there there remain a smattering of one true believers.
Or again place an orthodoxy in a world where other voices also are, then doubt naturally into a belief which feels itself to be so oppressed, and craves acts of matryrdom to prove to itself its own truth. For one martry, one live given in the name of a path thought the facts, is the equivalent of a throng of living believers- as the ac of sacrifice and the thought of the mind dying, is enough to conjure hearts a trust in the facts - as if a ghost counted more than the living: Because the ghosts of memory exist in both me and you, in both facts, and interpretation. because that is matrydom in all forms is transfiguration in some squalid little way - for there is nothing too here - here the effect of sadness, the power of blood and the pull of hope of the mind.
Orthodoxy is therefore a good servant of a fact based truth, and fair if severe, master, but a lousy colleague.
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