Any large system has them: a significant movement or moment or trend line - a point of no return- where everything is forever different from. The moments of change which complex systems incarnate for themselves- moments that look from elsewhere, from other than the system as point of instruction (hidden or otherwise) - the pointers to a design.
and yet of course the original movement is no such thing- it is merely a movement with rammification beyond if- one that finds a fault line somewhere else,or else sets of a chain of events: The moment the system changed, and yet a moment in itself so typical so unspecial or so random: as DNA is one of the ore inert chemicals in the body, one so very unspecial, an yet one which can be cascades of chemical reaction elsewhere set is trail process which in time create other process which eventual become a life. moreover its ever unspecialness, its very inertness becomes itself power- in that it does not often change- but when it does by random event specs eventual might shift in their nature (but only is of everything else pulls with the change). The minutest inversion chemicals becomes elsewhere the shift from fish to dinosaur....
Something happens somewhere, and a world inhabits that sift- makes it matter- makes it blind certianitude appear to have a purpose. The effect of such changes is to straighten out a system and create a distinct temporal flow within it. That is the blind telelogy is the point the change changes from, the point then a certain series evolved,a series that dominated the entire process, a series that became the unstoppable direction for the system; All its virtual possibilities are then collapsed into an arrow of time- and made to move only in one direction: They shift then into might have beens in the face of this movement the teleology is the blind start of fate - it is what will appear latter to be planned or to the make the plan. and yet as with all fate is starts hidden the merest of small difference that chances everything, so an entire world in unhinged and re-articualted.
But such movement such become purposes in a action (this is why everything changed- the moment) come is two very different forms. there are those whose purpose emerges within the system, and those whose purpose in thrust onto the system (from without). The difference is profound (event though the process is the same.)
The type of blind teleology are the type one finds in history natural or human. In a sense they are the real ones. A change happens hidden and unheard, like a silent thunder clap, or a pebble in the mountain, and yet and yet the cascade builds and changes. the power of that first move is in a sense nothing. it does not modify the whole, so much as set a process moving - leaving ti to other changes elsewhere to modify the cascade- by the same blind process. There is no design in any of this - it i is not even a cookbook, (which implies the instructon are to do stuff), merely a sequence of cascades of changes, that come together in some great water fall, and make a single smoking rain. So it is also is that nailing a fairly standard treatise on the door of a cathedral, where many such other treatise are nailed from tome to time, becomes a spark that ignites a sequecne of revolution in thought...
The second type of teleology arise at the other end of the living process. it is the product of the conscious mind - and the words in inhabits. this is a teleology that operates in creating a word, and becomes later a world. a category then such as sinner or witch or big society or communism is created. a word which has elements attach to it, and yet has not actaully incarnate meaning. That is one knows how one would react if this thing happened- one knows where this is gong, but not what it looks like. one has then in the face for this word and immediate reaction, which keeps the word in ones mind. One impetus that then makes one look for it in the world. And of course one finds it in some form or other . No matter that the original purpose has hidden in defining the world or that the process to which it is attached where merely doing what they were doing (and may very will be a desperate bunch in themselves). Their mere identification is enough to get the teleology whirling. For a sequence of events becomes action that lead somewhere- they become as if they had a goal and a purpose which might be lauded(the market does this, acts this way) or condemned (the poor operate to encourage their poverty). Action are then made into purposes, and re-action caliberate accordingly: We the start to worry and into infere according to this frame work this idea of causation we have foistered onto this little world - and idea that may or may not actually relate directly or indirectly to these change. A sequence of movement sis then seen as anything but innocent: It becomes a moment in that larger picture and to be interfered with accordingly.
Blind teleologies invest meaning. Or perhaps a lot of meaning is merely about looking for those teleologies or noticing as fixed rules those that are in the world. We feel that once the teleology is found, once a teleology is found, we have it- the meaning for the process and the end of thinking it does not matter whether the thought of the order makes sense or whether it is necessarily the way the system operate - for what is that to meaning? Meaning has its own take on reality- it marks after all the point at which one can move on in thinking and start to think a thought in finished and meaning made. ...
Where would meaning be with its teleologies? Teleologies that it will happily fo(i)sture onto the world, and yet which it will joyfully also find in a world and assume that that process has as great a significant to its part as teleology does in the mind. Relatively inert chemicals become the the handbook for life, and random lengths of DNA what evolution is good for...
Teleogy real and imagined becomes the the cause of all things- even though that cause is in any other world other than meaning blind- for its only meaning that gives it the power of sight - a sight that remains of course ours alone.
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