Sunday, December 5, 2010

Meaning as Structure

It is an old adage - find a structure, a forma and you find a meaning. Meaning and structure appear to run together- to run into each other. There is no meaning without cosmology ....
From which it of course follows that the sciences of structure- mathematics, semiotic genetics, always claim the mastery over meaning. Disciplines aspires to hard structures - to beautiful designs, and fairly glow when they have them. Structure be it the good of creation or the code of life,of the structure of a multi-dimension universe becomes the absolute creed of origin. Find a structure primitive enough and beautiful enough and one finds the truth.
the drive for structure is a thought at least as old as them middle ages- with its cosmologies, and criss crosses not only real science but psuedo science and soft science as well. The same drive. The same basic very elements supplied by a structure.
Firstly a structure creates an impression of something - some though external in power an nature to the thinker. A structure is to be drawn as the history of the world is drawn out. The thought becomes then in art something else- visual or perhaps composed of notes. it slips gear and shed one nature- internal thought to become another. the structure then is highly important to thought as it pulls out an idea- renders it objective as an idea in itself, and in doing so opens it up to others to see and understand. structures are then vital in the way we communicate ideas, and understand them as ideas (and so not merely a part in us).
Secondly and arising out of this last fact, structures impose an abstract reality of their own on truth. Once one has a structure it becomes generative - it creates the places one looks for truth- and the messy affairs of evidence and in structured thought slips away within the power of the single structure. The mind the in this kind of abstraction feels the master to the truth. It has its structure and is so in control. Structure marks the true kantian moment- the moment a thought is our idea because we impose order into it: The point after which it is we who drive the thought onwards, we who generate the rules - and drive the idea - according the the depth and richness of the structure we have found for the world. Structures condition thought, but also perception. We look for what is or could be found- for the structure is the net of finding - and the rhythm of thinking. all ant got really wrong as insisting the there was only one structure possible - and that a reasoned one define by Newtonian space and Time...
Thirdly the revealing of myriad differing shifting structures always patterns the debate about knowledge. For it structures describe origins or moments of abstraction, then working out how and why thought structures form becomes the task for thought. structures then define academic but also personal agenda and reasoning. They define not merely not we are looking for but the kind of explaination we can create to explain this explaination. We need to explain the structures we have found - and need a God a mind or perhaps another structure to do so.Structures then become what is explained - what there is to explain and understand. Linked to this explaination is the tendency to assume that the abstract structure is somehow seperate from the rest of reality. It is something complete and in itself: It is its own rhythm. It follow then that its explaination is also complete to itself- caught in its own world. One needs then the explain not the structure in motion, and not as part of the messy world but rather as cosmos complete. Traditionally such a being only has one possible genetic factor - namely some deep reason somewhere else- so great cause for structure. The recent variation of this is the idea that structure comes for free amongst agents of that structure: It is the what they together acting on to the other create and keep. It has not rhyme or reason therefore beyond their interaction - and no cause beyond the structure they create. A move which is in effect a great democratization of structure... And one that opens up all structures to many process - and many orgines or participations: A move that has actually freed up meaning - so that meanings can be found (causal connections) in new places an between new elements- connection that are fairly restiching our world and making us think anew.
Structures matter- therefore for there are traditionally the very matter of meaning itself. They make the point where thought leaves the single mind, and becomes objective both in itself, and its description of the world. the point if you like the world and an abstract Human mind meet and coalesce. They are then the point we think a world other than us (but capable of thinking us) from - and how we describe that thought one to the other; the point the we share of ability to perceive and explain the world with the world itself. Structures are rooted then in that which we have thought and act in common with that we are able also to explain. As such Structures are built as a defiant reply to doctrine or the other and the Thing in itself which would insist the silent world beyond our nature is actually unthinkable- an known only in its effects it us. This might be in absolute form - in a world where the only contrast was between Us and the World, but thought, structure says need not be quite like that. Thought can tear free of an us, and become a something of the world itself, and form from this perspective a structure - an articulation of though as if it were a thing of the world- an articulation of it as something in common with the world. A brave move that, as with all such moves combines fact and fiction in it. Most structures might be illusions or mere mirages of reason; and the world of origins they appear to demand might also merely be a romantic delusion: and yet the need to structure thought, and have thought as something external to our nature- a thing apart; The need to build machine for thinking remains - and structure is where we being to answer that need from.

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